Page 15, divine text by Imam Mustafa ibn Ahmad ash-Shatti rahmatuallah
Translator: Abu Ja`far al-Hanbali
1. Imam Mustafa ibn Ahmed ash – Shatti writes about Ibn Abdul Wahab al Najdi al Tamimi
Some of the major doctrinal positions propounded at variance with Muslim Orthodoxy were as follows
(5) The vast majority of Muslims down through the ages, since the first three generations have slipped into idolatry.
Foot note: Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahab said the following: ‘ The best spoken word that could be said was the cause of a Bedouin coming to us one day saying he had heard something about Islam. He said,’ I bear witness that we were kuffar ( he meant all the desert Arabs) and I bear witness that the guard who came to tell us about things is of the people of Islam’. So the man bore witness that he was an unbeliever.’ Sharah Sittah Mawali’min as Sirah,pp 25-26. This indeed shows that this creed was taught to the people. Further could be said by his son and first successor, Abdullah Ala sheikh who stated: ‘Indeed major shirk has become the norm for most of these people due to ignorance spreading and knowledge disappearing.” Al –Kalimat un Nafi atu fil Mukaffirat il Waqi’ah,pp. 15-16.
2. Ibn Abidin al Hanafi (Rh ) writes :
His words and who consider the Companions of our Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) to be disbelievers are not a condition for someone to be a kharijite, but rather are a mere clarification of what those who revolted against ‘Ali (Allah Most High be well pleased with him) in fact did. Otherwise, it is enough to be convinced of the unbelief of those they fight against, as happened in our own times with the followers of [Muhammad ibn] ‘Abd al-Wahhab, who came out of the Najd in revolt, and took over the sanctuaries of Mecca and Medina. They followed the Hanbali madhhab, but believed that they were the Muslims, and that those who believed differently than they did were polytheists (mushrikin). On this basis, they held it lawful to kill Sunni Muslims (Ahl al-Sunna) and their religious scholars, until Allah Most High dispelled their forces, and the armies of the Muslims attacked their strongholds and subdued them in 1233 A.H. [1818] (Hashiya radd al-muhtar, 4.262).
Translator: Abu Ja`far al-Hanbali
1. Imam Mustafa ibn Ahmed ash – Shatti writes about Ibn Abdul Wahab al Najdi al Tamimi
Some of the major doctrinal positions propounded at variance with Muslim Orthodoxy were as follows
(5) The vast majority of Muslims down through the ages, since the first three generations have slipped into idolatry.
Foot note: Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahab said the following: ‘ The best spoken word that could be said was the cause of a Bedouin coming to us one day saying he had heard something about Islam. He said,’ I bear witness that we were kuffar ( he meant all the desert Arabs) and I bear witness that the guard who came to tell us about things is of the people of Islam’. So the man bore witness that he was an unbeliever.’ Sharah Sittah Mawali’min as Sirah,pp 25-26. This indeed shows that this creed was taught to the people. Further could be said by his son and first successor, Abdullah Ala sheikh who stated: ‘Indeed major shirk has become the norm for most of these people due to ignorance spreading and knowledge disappearing.” Al –Kalimat un Nafi atu fil Mukaffirat il Waqi’ah,pp. 15-16.
2. Ibn Abidin al Hanafi (Rh ) writes :
His words and who consider the Companions of our Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) to be disbelievers are not a condition for someone to be a kharijite, but rather are a mere clarification of what those who revolted against ‘Ali (Allah Most High be well pleased with him) in fact did. Otherwise, it is enough to be convinced of the unbelief of those they fight against, as happened in our own times with the followers of [Muhammad ibn] ‘Abd al-Wahhab, who came out of the Najd in revolt, and took over the sanctuaries of Mecca and Medina. They followed the Hanbali madhhab, but believed that they were the Muslims, and that those who believed differently than they did were polytheists (mushrikin). On this basis, they held it lawful to kill Sunni Muslims (Ahl al-Sunna) and their religious scholars, until Allah Most High dispelled their forces, and the armies of the Muslims attacked their strongholds and subdued them in 1233 A.H. [1818] (Hashiya radd al-muhtar, 4.262).
3. The Shafi‘i mufti of Mecca, Ahmad ibn Zayni Dahlan (d. 1304/1886), a historian as well as a scholar, recorded the story of the Wahhabis’ takeover of the holy places in a number of books, one of which, his two-volume history al-Futuhat al-Islamiyya [The Islamic conquests], gives the following description of what became perhaps their most famous, and certainly their most lethal ijtihad; namely, that the sunna of tawassul or ‘supplicating Allah through an intermediary’ was shirk:
Muhammad ibn ‘Abd al-Wahhab claimed that his aim in this school of thought he innovated was to make sincere the belief in Allah’s unity (tawhid), and to abjure worshipping false gods (shirk), and that Muslims had been worshipping false gods for six hundred years, and that he had revived their religion for them. He interpreted Qur’anic verses revealed about worshippers of false gods (mushrikin) as referring to those who worship Allah alone…
4. `Allama al-Shaykh Sulayman, elder brother of Muhammad ibn `Abd al-Wahhab: al-Sawa'iq al-Ilahiyya fi al-radd 'ala al-Wahhabiyya ["Divine Lightnings in Answering the Wahhabis] also writes that ibn Andul Wahab was misguided and considered the muslim population to be involved in “ shirk”.
Muhammad ibn ‘Abd al-Wahhab claimed that his aim in this school of thought he innovated was to make sincere the belief in Allah’s unity (tawhid), and to abjure worshipping false gods (shirk), and that Muslims had been worshipping false gods for six hundred years, and that he had revived their religion for them. He interpreted Qur’anic verses revealed about worshippers of false gods (mushrikin) as referring to those who worship Allah alone…
4. `Allama al-Shaykh Sulayman, elder brother of Muhammad ibn `Abd al-Wahhab: al-Sawa'iq al-Ilahiyya fi al-radd 'ala al-Wahhabiyya ["Divine Lightnings in Answering the Wahhabis] also writes that ibn Andul Wahab was misguided and considered the muslim population to be involved in “ shirk”.
Tafsir al-Jalalayn is one of the most significant tafsirs for the study of the Qur’an. Composed by the two “Jalals” -- Jalal al-Din al-Mahalli 1459 CE(d. 864 AH) and his pupil Jalal al-Din al-Suyuti 1505 CE (d. 911 AH).
Famous Maliki Scholar Ahmad Sawi 1825 CE ( 1241 AH) wrote a commentary ( hashiya) on the above work. This commentary is calledHashiya al-Sawi ‘ ala al-Jalalayn.
Quran 35: 6 ( verse 6 of sura Faatir) states
“Truly, the Devil is an enemy to you, so take him as an enemy: he only calls his party to become of the inhabitants of the blaze"
In explaining this verse, the great scholar Ahmad sawi writes in his commentary
“It is said this verse was revealed about the Kharijites [foretelling their appearance], who altered the interpretation of the Qur’an and sunna, on the strength of which they declared it lawful to kill and take the property of Muslims—as may now be seen in their modern counterparts; namely, a sect in the Hijaz called "Wahhabis," who "think they are on something, truly they are the liars. Satan has gained mastery over them and made them forget Allah’s remembrance. Those are Satan’s party, truly Satan’s party, they are the losers" (Qur’an 58:18–19 We ask Allah Most Generous to extirpate them completely
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